Remy van Giersbergen Male Azurin Fighter 2/Abjurer 4/Spellsword 2 Chaotic Neutral; Medium humanoid (human); ECL 8 Speaks Common, Draconic, Infernal, Abyssal ************************* Str 20 (+5) [08 pts] +2 HD +3 item Dex 14 (+2) [04 pts] +2 item Con 16 (+3) [10 pts] Int 16 (+3) [10 pts] Wis 8 (-1) [00 pts] Cha 8 (-1) [00 pts] ************************* 2d10 + 4d4 + 2d8 + 24 = 58 hp AC = 10 +2 Dex +6 Armor = +18, Touch 12, Flatfooted 16 Initiative +6 (+2Dex +4Imp Init) BAB/Grapple = +6/+8 Speed = 30 ft Saving throw bonuses: Fortitude +3 +1 +3 +3 = +10 Reflexes +0 +1 +0 +2 = +3 Will +0 +4 +3 -1 = +6 ************************* Attacks: Spellstoring Greatsword +13 (+6BAB +5Str +1Focus +1Ench) @2d6+8 (19-20/x2) PA +1: +12 @2d6+11 PA +2: +11 @2d6+16 PA +3: +10 @2d6+18 PA +4: +9 @2d6+20 PA +5: +8 @2d6+22 PA +6: +7 @2d6+24 Full Attack: Spellstoring Greatsword +13/+8 @2d6+8 (19-20/x2) +1 Insight on attacks and damage when delivering spells ************************* Skills: *Climb +14 = 11 Ranks +3 Str *Concentration +14 = 11 Ranks +3 Con *Jump +11 = 7 Ranks +3 Str *Knowledge (Arcana) +14 = 11 Ranks +3 Int *Spellcraft +14 = 11 Ranks + 3 Int ************************* Feats: 1HD: Power Attack Azurin: Improved Initiative Ftr1: Combat Expertise Ftr2: Cobalt Power 3HD: Practised Spellcaster Wiz1: Weapon Focus (Greatsword) (UA variant) 6HD: Combat Casting Ssw: Sense Weakness ************************* Azurin Racial Traits: *1 essentia pt ************************* Fighter Class Features: Full armor & martial proficiency 2 bonus feats ************************* Abjurer Class Features: *Immediate Magic (Urgent Shield) 3/day *Bonus Feats *+1 Abjuration spell slot/Spell level ************************* Spellsword Class Features: Ignore spell failure 10% Bonus Feat ************************* Inventory: *Spellstoring Greatsword +1 8325 gp *Armband of Might 4100 gp *Scroll of True Strike 25 gp *Scroll of See Invisibility 150 gp *Scroll of Bull's Strength 150 gp *Scroll of Resist Energy 150 gp *Scroll of Dragonskin 375 gp *Adventuring Stuff (tm) 15 gp *Belt of Strength +3 9000 gp *Lesser Crystal of Arcane Steel 2800 gp *Gloves of Dexterity +2 *Mithral Shirt +2 *8025 gp ************************* Spellbook: (Banned schools: Necromancy, Enchantment) 1st level: Identify, Magic Missile, Mage Armor, Shield, Lesser Orb of Electricity, Critical Strike, Nerveskitter, Enlarge Person, True Strike 2nd level: Wraithstrike, Combust, Heroics, Resist Energy, Bull's Strength, See Invisibility 3rd level: Dispel, Fly, Dragonskin Spells per Day: (4|4+1/3+1/2+1) 0: Detect Magic x2, Light x2 1: Lesser Orb, True Strike x2, Nerveskitter + Shield 2: Combust, Wraithstrike x2, + Resist Energy 3: Dragonskin, Fly + Dispel