Manowar the Mauler Male Human. Cleric 4 (Grumbar: Time, Metal) CN Medium Humanoid ************************* Str 14 (+2) Dex 12 (+1) Con 17 (+3) Int 10 (+0) Wis 16 (+3) Cha 8 (-1) ************************* HP 2d8 +17 = 33 AC +1 dex +8 fullplate +2 heavy shield +1 shield spec =22/FF 21/Touch 14 Init +5 BAB +3/Grapple +5 Speed 30 ft (20 fullplate) Saves: Fort +6 (3 base +3 const) Ref +2 (1 base +1 dex) Will +6 (3 base +3 wis) ************************* Attacks +3BAB +2STR +1MWK +1Focus = +7 Maul 1d10+2, 20/x3 ************************* Feats: * Power Attack (Human bonus feat) * Shield Specialization (Heavy shield) (1st level) * Shield Ward (3rd level) ************************* Human racial traits: * Favored class: Any * Bonus feat at 1st level * +1 skillpoint/level ************************* Skills * Concentration +10 (7 ranks +3 const) * Knowledge (Arkana) +1 * Knowledge (Religion) +5 * Spellcraft +7 ************************* Items: Masterwork fullplate (+8/+1/-5/35%) 1650 gp 50 lb Masterwork maul 315 gp 20 lb Masterwork darkwood shield 157 gp 2 lb Wand of Lesser Vigor 750/2 gp Lantern, bullseye 12 gp 3 lbs 10x Oil 1 gp 10 lbs Adventuring stuff 5 lbs 404 gp Mwk Shortbow Kobolds' key Goblin Leader helm 2 gems 1 potion of CLW 1 antidote goblin booze *************************