Name: Karmack d'Deneith LN Human Male Medium Humanoid (human) Factotum 3/Fighter 2 ---{ ABILITIES / PB28 }--- STR 10(+0) DEX 16(+3) CON 14(+2) INT 16(+3) = 15 + 1(HD) WIS 08(-1) CHA 08(-1) Init : +3 (+3 dex) Speed: 30ft. HP : 3d8 + 2d10 + 10 = 38 AP : 8 ---{ ATTACK OPTIONS }--- BAB : +4 Grp : 4(BAB) [Rapier] Attack Bonus: +4(BAB) + 3(dex) +1 (Mwk) = +8 [+3 Insight] Damage: 1d6+3(dex)+3(int) [+3 Insight] ---{ DEFENSE OPTIONS }--- AC : 10 + 3(dex) +3 (int) + 5(breastplate) = 21 [to +5 combat expertise] *Touch: 13 *FlatF: 15 Fort: 3(fighter) + 1(factotum) + 2(con) = +6 [+3 Insight] Refl: 0(fighter) + 3(factotum) + 3(dex) = +6 [+3 Insight] Will: 0(fighter) + 1(factotum) - 1(wis) = +0 [+3 Insight] ---{ SKILLS / }--- Speaks: Common, ___, ___, ___ ---{ FEATS }--- 1[HUM]: Font of Inspiration [Class Chronicles] 1[CHR]: Weapon Finesse 1[FTR]: Int to AC 2[FTR]: Int+Dex to damage 3[CHR]: Combat Expertise ---{ CLASS FEATURES }--- [Fighter] Int to AC Int+Dex to damage [Factotum] [ ] Inspiration (4 points per encounter) [Ex] Cunning Insight [Ex] Cunning Knowledge [Ex] Trapfinding [Ex] Brains Over Brawn [Ex] Cunning Defense ---{ ITEMS }--- BODY SLOT ITEM Arms Body Mwk Breastplate 350 gp Face Feet Hands Head Ring (right) Ring (left) Shoulders Throat Torso Waist ***NONMAGICAL ITEMS*** [Clothing] Explorer's Outfit Belt ***WEAPONS*** Mwk Rapier 320 gp ***TOOLS*** Mwk Thieves' Tools 100 gp Money: 1230 gp