Gertrude Female Dwarf Druid 5 True Neutral Medium Humanoid (Dwarf) 5ECL Speaks Common, Druidic, Dwarven ************************* Str 8 (-1) [00 pts] Dex 10 (+0) [02 pts] Con 18 (+4) [10 pts] +2 Racial Int 10 (+0) [02 pts] Wis 18 (+4) [16 pts] Cha 8 (-1) [02 pts] -2 Racial ************************* HP 5d8 +20 = 46 AC = 10 +5 Armor +2 Shield = 17, Touch 10, Flatfooted 17 Initiative +4 (Imp. Init) BAB/Grapple = +3/+2 Speed 20 ft. Saving throw bonuses: Fortitude +4 +4 = +8 Reflexes +1 = +1 Will +1 +4 = +8 ************************* Attacks: 1. Masterwork Scimitar Attack Bonus = +3 -1 +1 Mwk = +3 @ 1d6-1 (18-20/x2) 2. Masterwork Sling = +3 +1 Mwk = +4 @ 1d4-1 (20/x2) ************************* Skills: *Concentration +12 (8+4Con) *Handle Animal +7 (8-1Cha) *Listen +12 (8+4Wis) *Spot +12 (8+4Wis) ************************* Feats: 1HD: Improved Initiative 3HD: Combat Casting ************************* Racial Traits: * Dwarf ************************* Druid abilities: *Animal Companion *Nature Sense *Wild Empathy *Woodland Stride *Trackless Step *Resist Nature's Lure *Wild Shape 1/day ************************* Inventory: * Mwk Skimitar 315gp * Mwk Sling 300gp *Sling Bullets x100 1gp * Mwk Dragonhide Breastplate 500gp * Mwk Heavy Wooden Shield 157gp * Wand of Lesser Vigor 750gp * Scroll of Lesser Restoration 150gp * Adventuring stuff 15gp * Potion of CLW x5 250gp * 262 gp ************************* Memorise (5/4/3/2) 0: Detect Magic x3, Light x2 1: CLW, Lesser Vigor, Magic Fang x2 2: Barkskin, Lesser Restoration, Bull's Strength 3: Vigor, CMW ************************ Animal Companion: Medium Viper Medium Animal HD: 4, HP 18 Stats: 9, 18, 11, 1, 12, 2 AC: 10 + 4(dex) + 5(natural) = 19, Touch 16, FF 13 Fort Save = +3(base) = +3 Ref Save = +6(base) +4(dex) = +10 Will Save = +1(base) +1(wis) = +2 Attack: Bite +8 melee (1d4-1) +1d6 Con (DC 13) Grapple: +3(base) -1(str) = +2 Initiative: +4 Speed: 20 ft Feats: Weapon Finesse (bonus), Ability Focus (Poison), Weapon Focus (Bite), Evasion (Druid's companion)